Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Six Months of Marriage! Huzzah!

Goodness, I have really neglected this poor little blog. See, I told myself that I would allow myself to sit down and write a new post once these two things happened:

1. I recovered from my last cold. Unfortunately, as soon as I was over that one, another one happily moved into my respiratory system. My immune system will absolutely never forgive me for being a substitute teacher.

2. I worked out. Let me just say that doing cardio requires some sort of breathing ability, and because of reason #1, my lungs are failing miserably at anything more than walking around classrooms collecting more germs. Therefore, Zumba classmates have totally forgotten who I am, and my dumbbells are collecting an impressive amount of dust.

Since I've given up on trying to have any sort of life away from Dayquil, I decided to come here and write a celebratory six-month anniversary post! I know I'm a little late, but six months ago, we were on a plane to Hawaii, and I was on a lot of Xanax to get me there. I'm absolutely terrible on airplanes. I just don't see anything natural about being on a glorified rocket, and the fact that my seat is a flotation device for water 36,000 feet below me doesn't help at all. But, I digress. We made it to Maui, and it was totally amazing, and totally worth the paralyzing fear.

To celebrate our six month anniversary, we bought a car! Well, with the help of Evan's parents, whose generosity knows no bounds. We are totally in love with our 2009 Subaru Forester, and now I don't have to worry every time Evan leaves the house to go to work because he's not driving his relatively ancient pickup truck down I-5. Plus, I like driving it, too.

"I don't rattle down the road! Yay!"

We then got all spiffy-looking, and made our way in our new (to us, anyway) car to the Rhinelander, where we feasted on fondue and schnitzel. So. Good.

The best part of the celebration? Looking over at my husband over that steaming bowl of cheese, and feeling so wholly, wonderfully married. I finally feel like it's fallen into place, and I'm not being a total wife poser. I felt so blessed to be married to my best friend, and to know that we have so many adventures ahead of us in our journey together.
"We'll get the hang of calling each other 'husband' and 'wife,' right?"