Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hello There!

Oh goodness, I have been SO bad at updating this poor blog. But here I am, hoping to get one last entry in for 2013.

Just in case you don't remember who I am, my name is Mariela. I am a 7th and 8th grade Language Arts teacher, a newlywed-ish wife trying not to be a complete domestic disaster, an owner to two incredibly strange felines, and as of late, a budding, wannabe guitar player.

Right after I wrote my last entry, I got to work getting my classroom(s) ready for the upcoming school year, and I finally feel, on this second Monday of Winter Break, that I have caught my breath. Hence, my appearance here.

The first three months of the school year are a blur, probably because I was juggling three different classes (7th grade reading or Expanded Language Arts, 7th grade Language Arts, and 8th grade Language Arts), two different classrooms, two different after-school clubs, and about 175 hormone-addled teenagers. Oh, and their parents. And parent/teacher conferences (hello, 14-hour workday!) and somehow getting used to a brand-spankin' new grading system that I'm pretty sure was designed by a drunk Bonobo chimp.

Aside from all that, however, I have really liked my new job. It's tiring, and I can't tell you how many times I've cursed at my computer as it magically erases all the grades I entered, but I'm really enjoying my students. They are awesome, and they amaze me and make me laugh every single day. Plus, no one tells you about the gift cards you get just for being someone's teacher. I'll basically never have to buy Starbucks again.

Then there's the one kid who gave me a can of pineapple chunks for Christmas, because she remembered that I had said that I liked pineapples or something.

On the home front, life is pretty spectacular. We just finished up with all the Christmas craziness, and we've been lounging like champions the last few days. I've been devouring the Divergent trilogy on my new, incredibly nifty Kindle Fire HD, and Evan has been indulging in some extreme videogaming.

I've also been attempting to play the guitar Ev got me for Christmas, and I'm proud to say I have successfully learned the D chord, although the tips of my fingers hate my wholeheartedly for doing so.

Newton and Ampersand are doing just fine as well. We got new couches and they've taken it as their personal mission to cover every inch of them with their fur.

In finally being able to slow down, take a breath, and look around, however, I've come to realize that whatever domestic progress I was able to take during last year's subbing schedule has definitely taken a solid position on the back burner. Our house is a disaster, because neither of us has had any time to really take care of the little things. Most nights we give each other tired, blank looks and go through some version of:

"We've had leftover pizza for the last three nights, so we should try to actually cook something."
"Yeah, but we'd have to clean the stove/oven/counter/fridge/pantry first."
"Wanna order a pizza?"
"Sounds great. I'll get Breaking Bad  cued up on Netflix."

That's really all we've been able to muster the last few months. I've learned that teaching has a way of making you really throw yourself into the lesson, and you forget about being tired, being hungry, paying your bills on time, having to pee, and wearing matching socks. At least, it's that way with me. I'll drag myself into the building every morning, slurping my coffee because I actually am too tired to lift it another centimeter to drink it like a civilized person, and wonder how on earth I'll be able to actually do more than sit and maybe drool a little. Then the first bell rings, and I'm on. That's how I describe it, anyway. I'm just on for my kids. I teach to the best of my ability, because I want them to learn.

And then, that last bell rings at 3:15, and every ounce of energy I had is drained. All that exhaustion, all that stress, all that strain on my bladder (I went about 4.5 hours without going most days. Might be TMI, but hey, I'm being honest)suddenly makes itself very, very known.  Add to that a 45 minute commute home, and I'm a little more than a pile of mush by the time I walk in the door.

So, I would suppose that's why our social lives and cholesterol have taken a mighty hit these last 12 weeks or so. But, there's hope on the horizon! I am now down to only two classes and two clubs, which means I'll hopefully have more time to dedicate to things like seeing other human beings who don't say "yolo!" at every opportunity, eating something not out of a box delivered by a kid named Steve, exercise by lifting weights, not stacks of essays, and of course, write in this blog more often.

Well, here's to 2013. It was a crazy, whirlwind year that taught me so much about love, family, teaching, and staying sane within all of that. I'm so excited to see what 2014 will bring, and here's to hoping it brings happiness, laughter, and love to us, but also to each and every one of you!
