Tuesday, January 14, 2014


It's only Tuesday?! Yikes. This week has barely started and I'm exhausted. I better brace myself though, since I have the following coming up:

-An Adelante Chicas meeting. 24 7th and 8th grade girls for 90 minutes. Oy.

-Visitation to an elementary school, followed by "intense" team collaboration (which just means my classes get to be hooligans for a substitute and I miss out on a day of actually teaching them anything. Argh.)

- A 90-minute Homework Club after I go visit an elementary school (and elementary children; ew) and spend the afternoon collaborating. Did I mention this is also the last week students can turn anything in before the end of the semester? Chaos.

-Formal observation. This means the principal comes into my room and judges everything I do. He'll be looking for things like how academically demanding my lesson is, how engaged my students are, and how critically they're thinking. I would feel an awful more confident if this observation weren't happening on a Friday afternoon before a 3-day weekend, after a day with a sub, with my most challenging class of students.

-Subbing for a social studies class 1st and 2nd period on the same day as my formal observation. I have gotten quite used to waking up a little later and having the morning to prep for my two classes. Now that time has been taken away and I feel like I'll be setting myself up for feeling rushed and stressed.

-All of this on top of putting together an end of unit project for my 7th graders and getting my 8th graders to actually put forth an iota of effort toward their memoirs, which are due (you guessed it) Friday.

Just writing this out has made me feel overwhelmed ad feeling like I need coffee. I thought it might be cathartic to just put it all out on the table, but I just freaked myself out.

Ugh, I know I'll get through it and wheeze my way into the weekend, but frankly, I just want to curl under my favorite blanket and hibernate until this week is over and Sherlock season 3 starts again.

Are there such things as caffeinated IV's? I could take one of those. Now, off to go write sub plans!

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